A Minecraft Enchantment Overhaul

I recently watched a youtube video titled "Enchanting: Minecraft's Worst System" by FishStickOnAStick, and it got me thinking about just how much enchanting sucks. I don't agree with every point made in the video, but it's a good one nonetheless (warning, it's got quite a few swears, if that's an issue for you). The enchanting system in minecraft has problems at almost every level, and they all build off of each other to create a terrible grind-fest that ignores the actual gameplay of minecraft. Let's mine our way in and see if we can figure out how to fix it.

The problems.

Before we can solve the problem, we have to figure out what the problem actually IS. First, let's look at what the enchanting process is like in vanilla. In order to start enchanting, you either need an enchanting table (2 diamonds and 4 obsidian), or an anvil (31 iron), or both. From there, you need levels in order to enchant. Levels are a resource obtained from nearly every action in the game, including killing monsters, mining ores, smelting ores, completing achievements, and more. These levels are consumed in order to apply enchantments to items. In order to get maximum enchantments on an item, it will likely take roughly 35 levels.

Alright, so what's the issue? Well, pretty much all of the issues arise from levels, but there are some other ones. I'll list them all now:

When you die, regardless of how many levels you had, the amount of levels you drop is capped at 7. This makes death significantly more punishing than I think it was intended to be.

In order to start enchanting with an enchanting table, you have to reach level 30, which sucks when you only get 7 levels back after dying.

Enchantments from enchantment tables are entirely random, and if you get one you don't want, you have to reroll them by enchanting a junk item and disenchanting it, which consumes levels.

The most optimal, consistent and honestly the only viable way to gain large amounts of levels is to make a mob grinder and sit there for hours.

Reparing or combining or renaming items at an anvil costs exponentially more experience, and requires unreasonable amounts of technical understanding to do optimally considering it's something most players will interact with in a long-term survival playthrough.

If you fail at this optimal combination pattern, maxing out your item becomes entirely impossible because anvils have a hard cap on how much xp you're able to spend, causing all your hard work and likely around 60 levels to be all wasted.

Combining enchanted items consumes enough xp to drop you out of the level 30 threshold, which means back to grinding if you want to start enchanting again.

Levels take more xp to gain as your level count gets higher, making it impossible to significantly stockpile them in order to bypass the previous problem.

Loot enchantments are extremely difficult to obtain, especially in multiplayer.

Fishing is not a viable way to get a particular enchantment unless there is no other options (such as skyblock provided mob spawns are disabled).

Villagers bypass many of the issues here by providing any non-exclusive enchanted book in the game (including treasure enchantments like mending) for only a few emeralds, AND with a anvil combination advantage that you wouldn't get from enchanting a book yourself.

Villagers (as a mob with random pathfinding) are REALLY annoying to deal with.

Because of the exponentially scaling combination costs, any enchanted book below max level is useless because you would have to waste your limited combinations to combine it up to max level.

Due to the exponentially scaling repair cost of tools, mending is practically mandatory, and the only reasonable way to obtain it is from villagers, considering chest loot isn't consistent enough to get you a maxed set of gear.

Some enchantments are useless to the point of being detrimental (bane of arthropods), or straight up bugged or broken (the entire protection cycle, which I'll go more in depth in later).

Simply renaming your item scales the exponential cost of combination.

Since applying enchantments is so expensive, it isn't worth it to use an enchanted item until it is maxed, lest you lose it due to death or breaking because it wasn't powered up enough.

If you accidentally have a detrimental enchantment applied to your item, you have to remove every enchantment from it in order to get rid of the bad one.

Some enchantments essentially upgrade a tool to the next material tier. For example, sharpness 1 essentially upgrades an iron sword's damage to be equal to a diamond sword, and 15 levels worth of protection across an iron armor set effectively make it equivalent to diamond armor.

Netherite is easier to enchant than diamond, which incentivizes the player to wait to use their diamond stuff at all until it's fully maxed as netherite.

Golden tools are super easy to enchant, but they're so bad that they aren't even worth a single level.

Connected issues

An important thing to note is how durability interacts with this whole system, especially with armor. Let's start with a few numbers:

Iron tools have 250 durability each
Diamond tools have 1561 durability each
Armor is a bit different, the durabilities are different for every piece, let's compare the chestplates.
An iron chestplate has 240 durability
A diamond chestplate has 528 durability.

Mathematically inclined readers may have already noticed that the durability proportions between iron and diamond are significantly lower for armor than for tools. As far as I can tell, this is in order to balance for protection, which actually reduces the durability usage of armor in addition to reducing the damage you take.

Protection and it's alternatives in general are really weird and rather broken. Protection provides +4% damage reduction per level across all your armor pieces, maxing out at 4% x 4 levels x 4 pieces, or 64% total damage reduction (and durability usage reduction), making you take less than half as much damage than you would without it. The alternative protections each provide +8% damage reduction for their specific damage category, however, this damage reduction is hard capped at 80%, meaning anything more than 10 levels across your armor becomes entirely useless. It's occasionally useful to replace one armor piece with blast protection in situations where you'll be getting hurt by a large amount of explosions (crystal pvp), but other than that these enchantments provide negligible bonuses over protection in exchange for making you extremely vulnerable to other damage types.

So there's a lot of problems. What's the solution?

You could go through the entire list of issues above and fix them one by one, but if you read through them all, you may have noticed that they cover nearly every aspect of enchanting. Fixing them all would give us an enchanting system of Theseus, which would be jank at best and broken at worst. I'd recommend a full overhaul of the system entirely, but first, I want to go over a few small changes that could be made right now to make the system suck less.

  • Remove the exponential scaling of anvil combinations, at least from combinations where only one of the items is enchanted. I know the exponential scaling and the price cap are intended to make it difficult to get maxed items, but right now it just isn't fun to interact with.

  • Work on exclusive enchantments. Smite is useful for the wither fight and pretty much nothing else, and Bane of Arthropods is a joke. Perhaps these two could instead have an enchantment that increases attack speed that's exclusive from sharpness. Maybe there could be an enchantment that makes crits stronger that's exclusive from sharpness. My point is, having an actual choice to make instead of one enchantment being clearly better than the others would be quite beneficial.

  • Make mending a very rare enchantment from the enchanting table, or otherwise make it significantly more common from fishing (like, half of enchanted books from fishing). Villagers are currently the only consistent source of mending and that sucks because villagers aren't fun to deal with.

  • Make the player drop all levels on death. There might need to be a larger xp orb variant added to accomodate this.

  • Buff diamond and netherite armor durability, and remove protection's durability usage reduction.

These changes are something that could realistically be done within a single "drop" under the new update pattern (which by the way I am a huge fan of, if you've read my The State of Minecraft blog post you'll have seen that this is something I wanted for a while).

My Enchantment Rework Idea

Welcome to the fun part of the post! Here I will detail in depth a full overhaul idea me and my boyfriend came up with a while ago. I would mod this into the game, but I tried minecraft modding once and I never want to do it again (it took me 5 hours to add a single generic block).

We decided to do away with most of the systems entirely, including experience as a whole. We're pretty much only keeping around the physical blocks you place, because those are cool. Toss out everything you know about the current enchanting system!


Experience and levels are no longer a mechanic, and the xp bar is no longer part of the hotbar. As a consequence, Mending is gone, but I'll get to that later.

Enchantment Levels

Enchantment levels are no longer a mechanic. All enchantments are now only level 1. Most (but not all) enchantments borrowed from vanilla are equivalent in power to their vanilla max level.

The Enchanting Table

The enchanting table is a crafting station used to enchant items. A mockup graphic of the interface is shown below:

The enchanting table has a button you can click to apply the enchantment, a slot for the item to enchant, two material slots (which will be explained later), and three sacrifice slots (which will also be explained later). Also visible is a percentage curse chance (which will also be explained later).

The purple item slot is very straightforward. You put in any enchantable item (even if it's already enchanted) and pressing the enchant button will apply exactly one new enchantment to it.

Next, the sacrifice slots. The three slots at the bottom are "sacrifice" slots. Putting monster drops, lapis lazuli, or bottles o' enchanting (which can no longer be thrown) into these slots lowers the curse chance, with diminishing returns. Curse chance refers to the chance that any new enchantment applied is instead replaced with a curse. Using sacrifice materials alone cannot get the curse chance to zero, but it can get it extremely low, such as 1%.

The material slots allow you to place specific items to be consumed upon enchanting in order to guarantee a particular enchantment. While no items are in the slots, you get a random enchantment with no enchantment preview. While the correct items for an enchantment are in the material slots, you can hover over the enchanting button to preview the enchantment. Different enchantments are affected by sacrifice materials by different amounts, meaning some enchantments require more sacrifice materials to get a low curse chance on. The items are consumed regardless of whether you get the enchantment or a curse. When not using a material to guarantee an enchantment, the value of your sacrifice material would probably be some medium value, maybe a bit higher than average. After having an item with an enchantment in your inventory, that enchantment's material components are unlocked in the recipe book.

Curse chance starts at 100%, but can be lowered by various means. In addition to sacrifice materials, bookshelves placed around the enchanting table (in the same pattern as vanilla) reduce the base curse chance by 1% each, up to 15 bookshelves. Golden items get a base 50% curse chance reduction. It's important to note that curse chance is NOT increased for already enchanted items, rather, as you add more enchantments to an item, you have to roll the dice more times, which means a greater chance of a curse. Therefore, it's more important to get low curse chances (and therfore spend more sacrifice material) when enchanting an already highly enchanted item, lest you ruin it with a curse.

Enchanted books can be used in the material slot to apply all their enchantments to the item. They add a flat -20% to the curse chance after all other reductions are calculated, making them the only way to guarantee a 0% curse chance. An enchanted item of the same type as the item being enchanted CANNOT be used for this, unlike anvils in vanilla.

The Grindstone

The grindstone can be used to repair and disenchant items, just like vanilla. Putting an item in the grindstone removes all enchantments and curses.

The Anvil

The anvil can be used to repair and rename items. It keeps the enchantments on the item, but can no longer be used to combine enchantments. There is no additional cost to repairing or renaming beyond any necessary repair materials.

Other Changes

Diamond and netherite armor have their durability doubled to compensate for the fact that the protection enchantment is removed by this rework. Also, due to the large amount of enchantments a single item could have under this rework, the tooltip needs to organize them into columns. I'd recommend having it start a new column after 5 or 6 enchantments.

Next up is a full list of enchantments me and my boyfriend came up with together. These could easily be switched out to whatever mojang's design team sees fit. The only thing I'm undecided on is the material recipe of some of these, which could be worked out later by mojang should they choose to add this rework. Curses are marked in red.

General Enchantments

These enchantments can be applied to any enchantable item.


A very easy enchantment to apply. Gives an item a 50% chance to not consume durability (equivalent to Unbreaking 1 in vanilla).

Obsidian Core

Equally as easy to apply as unbreaking. Makes it so that instead being destroyed when broken, items are left in a "damaged" state where they have no effect, similar to an elytra. They can then be repaired later.


Not the minecraft dungeons enchantment. Rather difficult to apply. Makes the item have a glowing outline visible through blocks when dropped.


A little easier to apply than radiance. Makes the item last 15 minutes when dropped instead of 5.

Curse of Fragility

Gives an item a 50% chance to consume double durability. This plus unbreaking is still better than nothing at all because of how math works.

Curse of Vanishing

Makes an item disappear instead of being dropped on death.

Curse of Expiration

The item cannot be repaired at an anvil. You'll need to remove the enchantments at a grindstone first to get rid of this curse.

Armor Enchantments

These enchantments can be applied to player armor.

Blast Protection (Protection cycle)

Exclusive from the other protection enchantments. Grants +23% damage resistance to explosives per armor piece, resulting in near immunity to explosions on all four armor pieces, hopefully allowing the player to do cool stuff like blast jump. Does NOT grant knockback resistance like vanilla.

Magic Protection (Protection cycle)

Exclusive from the other protection enchantments. Grants +23% damage resistance to poison, wither, instant harming, dragon breath, and similar sources per armor piece, making the player nearly immune to these effects when on all four.

Knockback Protection (Protection cycle)

Exclusive from the other protection enchantments. Grants +15% knockback resistance per armor piece, for up to 60% resistance on all four.

Burden Protection (Protection cycle)

Exclusive from the other protection enchantments. Grants +25% resistance to slowdowns such as slowness, cobwebs, water, and more, making the player fully immune to these at max level. Does not affect player-caused slowdowns such as crouching, charging a bow, or shielding.


Exclusive from warding. Reduces incoming damage by a flat 0.5 per armor piece (calculated before armor), for up to 2 points of damage reduction (one full heart) when on all four armor pieces.


Exclusive from plating. Increases armor toughness by 3 per armor piece. Armor toughness makes armor's protection more effective against high-damage hits.

Fire Absorbtion

Grants +50% resistance to the burning effect per armor piece. At percentages over 100%, the burning effect heals you (but fire and lava still hurt). Can be applied to pet armor, which will be elaborated on later.


Can only be put on helmets. Doubles the wearer's breath time underwater.


Can only be put on chestplates. Deals 20% of damage taken back to the attacker. Does not do knockback. Does not cost durability.

Feather Falling

Can only be put on boots. Gives a 50% damage resistance to fall damage and ender pearl damage. Makes it take 2 more blocks of falling before you start to take fall damage, allowing you to fall 5 blocks without taking damage instead of 3.

Frost Walker

Exclusive from soul speed. Can only be put on boots. Water around you while walking or running transforms into temporary ice. Ice does not form if you've been falling farther than 1 block. Reaching your swimming peak in water causes the water to freeze under you, allowing you to get back on the ice surface easily. Holding crouch causes temporary ice under you to melt significantly quicker. Works while mounted, allowing for some ice boat and horse shenanigans.

Soul Speed

Exclusive from frost walker. Can only be put on boots. Doubles your walk and run speed on soul soil and soul sand. Does not consume durability.

Swift Sneak

Exclusive from sharkskin. Can only be put on leggings. Makes you move twice as fast while crouched.


Exclusive from swift sneak. Can only be put on leggings. Doubles your speed while sprint swimming.

Curse of Binding

Can only be put on an item with durability. The armor piece cannot be unequipped. Has no effect if the armor is broken but still exists due to the obsidian core enchantment.

Curse of Stiffness

5% reduced movement speed per armor piece. On all four armor pieces, this is equivalent to slowness 1.

Curse of Levity

10% increased knockback taken per armor piece.

Animal Armor Enchantments

These enchantments can be applied to horse and wolf armor.


Can only be put on horse armor. Allows the horse to swim while you ride it.

Bullet Time

Can only be put on horse armor. Significantly slows the decay rate of the jump bar after hitting max, making it easier to get max height jumps.


Can only be put on wolf armor. Makes wolves start pathfinding to you from a shorter distance than normal, teleport to you from a shorter distance than normal, and allows them to teleport to the surface of water to get to you. This one's intended for those low render distance servers where wolves can get stuck in unloaded chunks, and for people who want to manage their wolf more easily.

Fire Absorbtion

This is the same fire absorbtion enchantment from the player armor section. However, on animal armor, it makes the animal fully invulnerable to fire and lava. Combined with bouyancy, it allows you to ride the horse while it swims in lava (not advised because it'll hurt if you accidentally dip your toes, plus it's slow). Combined with cuddling, it allows wolves to teleport into the lava to get to you (don't worry, they'll be fine!).

Curse of Itchiness

Causes the wearer to do the "wander" pathfinding action twice as often. I hope you made a secure pen!

Tool Enchantments

These enchantments can be applied to tools.


Exclusive from strength. Increases block breaking speed, equivalent to vanilla Efficiency 5.


Exclusive from efficiency. Can only be put on pickaxes. Puts a soft cap on how long blocks can take to break, making it much faster to break things like obsidian.

Silk Touch

Exclusive from fortune. Forces the broken block to drop itself.


Exclusive from silk touch. Makes a block have a 50% chance to drop double items if it doesn't drop itself. This is effectively somewhere between Fortune 1 and Fortune 2 in vanilla. I think Fortune 3 is a bit overpowered in vanilla. You can live without those extra ~40% diamonds, especially with how common diamonds are post 1.18.


Upon breaking a block, it is immediately replaced with the block in your offhand if there is a block in your offhand. This might not be possible to implement currently do to the horrific user interface design of pocket edition, but it would be neat on java at least. Or, yknow, you could add a single button to the mobile ui to enable full offhand features in bedrock and actually achieve some semblance of parity. Whatever works.


Nearby hostile mobs are pushed away a little (they do not take damage) when you break a block. This one's probably associated with trial chambers.


The tool does not trip sculk sensors when breaking a block. This would have to be a treasure enchantment from ancient cities for game balance reasons.

Aqua Affinity

The tool is not slowed while submurged in water. Why was this even on helmets in the first place? It just makes more sense on tools.

Curse of Bluntness

Blocks have a 2% chance to drop nothing when mined.

Curse of Heaviness

5% slower digging speed.

Curse of Obsession

Disables the right click function of the tool, such as stripping logs, making paths, or tilling soil. This is more quality of life because I'm sick of accidentally stripping logs in a wood log base and having to replace them.

Miscellaneous Utility Enchantments

These enchantments can be applied to flint and steel, brushes, and shears.


Can only be put on flint and steel. Allows flint and steel to right click any mob to set it on fire, like it does with lighting creepers.


Can only be put on brushes. Doubles brushing speed.


Can only be put on brushes. Gives a 35% chance for suspicious sand or gravel to remain suspicious even after collecting the item inside, regenerating its loot table afterward.


Can only be put on shears. Gives a 50% chance for shearing to drop double items.

Fishing Rod Enchantments

These enchantments can be applied to fishing rods.


Reduces time to get a bite by 15 seconds. Equivalent to Lure 3 in vanilla.

Luck of the Sea

Boosts your chance of catching treasure. Equivalent to Luck of the Sea 3 in vanilla.


Triples the pull force when reeling in a hooked entity. Fishing rod pvpers are gonna have a field day with this one.

Curse of Pollution

Increases the chance of catching trash. I haven't worked out the numbers on this one.

Curse of Rot

Gives a small chance (probably 5% or 10%, haven't worked out the numbers for this either) to fish up a drowned. Inspired by terraria blood moons.

Melee Weapon Enchantments

These enchantments can be applied to swords, axes, tridents, and maces.

Smite (Smite cycle)

Exclusive from other specialized plus damage enchantments. Makes the weapon do +1 damage to undead creatures.

Butchering (Smite cycle)

Exclusive from other specialized plus damage enchantments. Makes the weapon do +1 damage to passive creatures.

Chilling (Smite cycle)

Exclusive from other specialized plus damage enchantments. Makes the weapon do +1 damage to nether-native creatures.

Laceration (Smite cycle)

Exclusive from other specialized plus damage enchantments. Makes the weapon do +1 damage to flying creatures.

Fodder Slayer (Smite cycle)

Exclusive from other specialized plus damage enchantments. Makes the weapon do +1 damage to creatures spawned via unnatural means (such as spawners, split slimes, silverfish, endermites, zombie reinforcements, trial chamber potion effects, etc.).


Exclusive from sweeping edge. Can only be put on swords. Increases attack speed by 30%.

Sweeping Edge

Exclusive from lightweight. Can only be put on swords. Causes enemies caught in the sword sweep to take full damage and knockback (stronger than vanilla's Sweeping Edge 3).


Can only be put on swords. Mobs have a 50% chance to drop double loot. Probably doesn't apply to the nether star.

Fire Aspect

Can only be put on swords. Sword sets the hit target on fire.


Can only be put on axes. +3 damage.


Can only be put on axes. Doubles shield knockdown time. +2 damage.


Can only be put on axes. Doubles natural knockback dealt. I don't know quite how knockback works but apparently the vanilla knockback enchantment applies an ADDITIONAL knockback effect in addition to the regular one, which I think is stupid.


Exclusive from breach. Can only be put on maces. +2 damage per tile fallen. Equivalent to Density 5.


Exclusive from density. Can only be put on maces. Ignores 60% of the target's armor.

Wind Burst

Can only be put on maces. Launches the user 12 tiles into the air when landing a falling mace hit. This is between Wind Burst 1 and Wind Burst 2 in vanilla.


Can only be put on tridents. +5 damage to aquatic creatures. Equivalent to Impaling 5 in vanilla.


Exclusive from loyalty, channeling, and crushing. Instead of throwing your trident, launch yourself forward while wet. Equivalent to Riptide 3 in vanilla.


Exclusive from riptide. The trident returns to you when thrown. Equivalent to Loyalty 3 in vanilla.


Exclusive from riptide and crushing. The trident strikes lightning where it hits during rain or thunder. I always thought this only working during thunder was a bit too niche so I'm expanding it to rain as well.


Exclusive from riptide and channeling. On a fully charged throw, the trident breaks the block it hits if that block's hardness is less than 2 (aka if it's weaker than regular stone). The block only drops if it is able to be harvested without tools (for example, netherrack would not drop, since it requires a pickaxe).

Curse of Imbalance

5% reduced attack speed.

Curse of Weakness

20% reduced knockback.

Curse of Double-Edge

When you hit an enemy with a melee attack, there is a 10% chance to deal 20% of your attack's damage to yourself (effectively 2% of your damage per second).

Curse of Seabound

Can only be put on tridents. The trident is thrown with 30% reduced velocity and range.

Curse of Momentum

Can only be put on maces. The mace only reduces fall damage by 70% instead of negating it entirely when hitting an enemy.

Ranged Weapon Enchantments

These enchantments can be applied to bows and crossbows.


Exclusive from injection. Can only be put on bows. Doubles arrow damage and velocity (but not range, make the arrows fall faster too!).


Exclusive from power. Can only be put on bows. Adds one to the effect strength of potion arrows fired (for example, harming 2 becomes harming 3).


Exclusive from flame. Can only be put on bows. Doubles arrow knockback.


Exclusive from punch. Can only be put on bows. Sets arrows on fire.


Can only be put on bows. Regular arrows are not consumed when firing.

Piercing (Crossbow cycle)

Exclusive from multishot and blasting. Can only be put on crossbows. Arrows can pierce 5 enemies. Equivalent to Piercing 5 in vanilla.

Multishot (Crossbow cycle)

Exclusive from piercing and blasting. Can only be put on crossbows. Fires 3 arrows at once for the cost of only 1 arrow.

Blasting (Crossbow cycle)

Exclusive from piercing and multishot. Can only be put on crossbows. Fireworks have doubled explosion radius and damage.

Quick Charge

Crossbow charges 150% faster. Equivalent to Quick Charge 3 in vanilla.

Curse of Unsteadiness

Increases spread by 2 degrees.

Curse of Misfiring

Has a 10% chance to fire the projectile(s) with halved flight speed, damage, and range.

Shield Enchantments

These enchantments can be applied to shields.

Coverage (Shield cycle)

Exclusive from resilience and blitz. Increases shield coverage angle by 10 degrees (5 degrees to each side).

Resilience (Shield cycle)

Exclusive from coverage and blitz. Halves the shield downtime after being hit with an axe.

Blitz (Shield cycle)

Exclusive from coverage and resilience. Move at nearly full speed while shielding.


Exclusive from bouncing. Projectiles that hit the shield are reflected at full force in the direction they came from.


Exclusive from reflection. Enemies take extra knockback when they melee hit your shield.

Curse of Bulk

40% reduced movement speed while shielding.

Curse of Shrinking

10 degrees reduced shield coverage angle (5 degrees to each side)

Elytra Enchantments

These enchantments can be applied to elytra.


Exclusive from exoskeleton. Reduces air resistance, resulting in a 20% increased maximum speed.


Exclusive from slipstream. Grants the wearer 4 armor points, which is equivalent to an iron chestplate.


After flying with a firework, the firework is fired out in front of you before exploding. Wouldn't it be cool to carpet bomb enemies with an elytra? Also makes it not actively detrimental to use exploding fireworks!

Curse of Drag

Increases air resistance, reducing maximum speed by 20%.

Curse of Collision

The wearer takes 50% increased damage from crashing with the elytra.

Reflection, Analysis, Benefits and Drawbacks

Phew! That was a long one. Make sure to drink some water. Up next I'll be talking about the benefits and drawbacks of this system. This system has a lot of benefits to the game, but would cause a couple of problems as well, but I think overall it is VASTLY superior to the current horrible grindfest that is vanilla enchanting. Even if you keep the regular enchantments, these enchanting table mechanics are far more engaging than the vanilla ones. Let's take a look.

The enchanting process - benefits

If you've read through this whole document so far, and if you're like me, you probably think this sounds WAY more fun than vanilla enchanting. You can always guarantee the enchantments you want, and you can either play it safe and put a lot of materials into your enchanting table, or play it risky and try to get a cheap enchantment on your item and hope you don't get a curse. If you're crafting maxed gear and don't want to risk even a 1% curse chance, you can use enchanted books as a sort of buffer to guarantee that no curses get on your maxed pickaxe. It's literally free to put throwaway enchantments on throwaway golden tools as well, and you can still make the cool iconic bookshelf setup to get a bonus. That mob farm you built back in 1.17 is still useful, since the monster drops can now be used to help enchant. Gathering the materials to enchant means you'll probably be mining a lot more lapis lazuli, and well, the game is called Minecraft, so that's probably fun! Besides, you probably have like 4 stacks of lapis sitting around doing nothing anyway.

Repairing tools - benefits

In vanilla, mending is super mandatory, because maxed tools are extremely expensive to create, and anvil repairs are effectively limited in supply because of exponentially scaling costs. Under my rework system, repairing a netherite tool still requires a netherite ingot, so you still have to put in some work, but it doesn't also cause massive enchantment problems. Mending is a band-aid fix to a broken repair system. My rework actually fixes the system at its foundation so that mending isn't even necessary. Plus, you no longer need to spend ages deliberating over the final name of your item, since renaming has no penalty.

Player choice - benefits

This new system would introduce a large number of exclusive enchantments, meaning that there would no longer just be a "best" choice for max enchanting, but rather, players will genuinely be able to build their items towards their preferred playstyle. Heck, even protection was split up into plating and warding, so players will be able to take the best one for the situation, or take a mix of both for reduced effects on each! I know I would personally choose plating, but warding is probably better for pvp and for high-skill players trying to fight the warden or something.

The removal of a generalist option from the specialist protection cycle removes the downside of specializing, and allows players to actually think about what they would find most important! Plus, increased weapon and armor variety would introduce an interesting set of counterplay strategies to pvp, where perhaps a player might bring magic protection armor knowing their opponent might be running an injection bow with harming arrows, making it useful to bring a backup strategy such as cobwebs, since the other player would know that if the first player has magic protection, they either don't have any burden protection, or their magic protection isn't on all four armor pieces.

There's also a wider variety of enchantments to get on each item (a maxed pickaxe can have 10), some of which the player might not want to go for due to potential downsides or because it's just not worth the effort for the longevity enchantment or something, so items will vary based on player preference. Additionally, a player might decide to keep a curse that isn't too impactful, such as curse of collision on an elytra (which has no effect if you're good enough to not crash), or might intentionally get a curse, such as curse of obsession or curse of rot, both of which have niche upsides.

Rewards and one trick ponies - benefits

The material guarantee system offers a great opportunity to add some new items to the game as enchanting materials to put in chests as loot! I know mojang is constantly struggling for things to put in chests in new structures, and this would be a great way to fill that out. Additionally, it can help add another purpose to items that are currently only used for one thing, such as turtle and armadillo scutes, which could be added to the enchantment recipes for various things.

Game balance - benefits

Many enchantments in vanilla are currently rather overpowered, especially protection, which combined with diamond or netherite armor makes you take only 7.2% as much damage as you would without armor. The new enchantment set presented provides a wide array of alternative enchantments as mentioned in the previous section, which also comes with balance benefits. Making enchantments be exclusive from each other reduces the effective power of a maxed out item, reducing some of the extreme late-game power creep we see, with players becoming nigh invincible with their 92.3% damage reduction and their totem of undying just to rub it in. Instead, each possible build has a counter, meaning that even in the endgame, you still have to actually be careful and can't just face tank 20 zombies forever. Meanwhile, it still keeps enchantments powerful enough to feel impactful and give the player a worthwhile advantage, such as being able to face-tank several creepers with blast protection (even if you might die to an arrow shot by a skeleton from the same group of monsters).

Having only one level of each enchantment makes it easier to balance something like wind burst, which I know mojang had some trouble with during development. It also reduces that weird balancing issue where stuff like sharpness 3 and fortune 1 are entirely nonviable because it is impossible to combine them without overly scaling the anvil combine cost.

The introduction of material costs and sacrifice value for enchantments makes each enchantment much easier to balance. Something like unbreaking could cost, say, one iron ingot to guarantee, and maybe would only require 8 lapis (or 32 rotten flesh!) to get a 10% curse chance for. Meanwhile, respiration could require a prismarine shard, encouraging players to explore to find the materials to guarantee it, and maybe it would take 16 or 20 lapis to get a 10% curse chance for, so you have to put in a little more effort to apply it.

Game balance - drawbacks

Currently vanilla minecraft enchantments have an additional use: A level 1 throwaway enchantment. These enchantments are something you just toss on whatever tools you have in the earlygame for a slight advantage. My proposed system messes with this by removing enchantment levels, meaning that every enchantment has to be balanced around being max level all the time. I don't think this would be game-breaking, but it is something to keep in mind, it makes basic throwaway enchantments stronger.

Old save portability - drawbacks

Probably the single largest drawback, porting old saves to this new set of enchantments would be a nightmare. This on its own might make the enchantment set I came up with non-viable to add, but the proposed enchanting system's base mechanics could still be adapted without too much fuss. Perhaps my enchantment system could be added by just flattening every enchantment to level 1, deleting enchantments that no longer exist, and just letting illegal enchantment combinations (such as sharpness on swords, or punch and flame bows) exist? Either way, it would be really weird.

Player accessibility - drawbacks

The biggest problem with player accessibility is new players trying to figure out how to guarantee enchantments. Minecraft has a lot of problems with this already, and new systems shouldn't be introducing more and further alienating players who haven't opened the game in 3 years. One way to fix this could be by including outlines for possible items to put in the other slot when you put an item in one slot, making it much easier to figure things out through brute force. Another issue I have concerns about is players figuring out what each of the slots do, but I doubt this is any worse than, say, a furnace, so hopefully it will be fine without too many user interface changes.

Along these accessibility lines, there's a concern I have with allowing a pickaxe to have 16 different enchantments at once. While I have tried making a mockup of what this would look like, and it seems fine so long as you add the new column thing I suggested, it is still something to be wary of.

Sound design - drawbacks

The tinkling sound of experience orbs when I mine a diamond ore feels amazing. It really helps make the diamond feel that much more valuable. As such, removing experience entirely makes breaking a diamond ore just sound like regular stone, which makes it less satisfying. This realistically should be solved by actually improving the sound design of various ores. While we're at it, can we apply the copper block sounds to gold and iron? Minecraft really needs a look through its old sound design, because there's some real bad ones.

Progression - drawbacks

Really grasping at straws here for downsides, but perhaps some players find joy in the arduous process of levelling up their gear, and this rework removes the "number go up" of upgrading from sharpness 4 to sharpness 5. I'm not sure this is a concern at all, but I want to make sure to present a full case here.


Thank you for reading all of this! If you're coming here from my website, go give my minecraft feedback post an upvote at feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/community/posts/31315252035341-Enchanting-Rework if you'd like to see these features in the game! If you're a mojang employee, I'm honored to have you here, I would greatly appreciate at least some changes to enchanting and xp as a whole, as the current system is jank and unforgiving and updates like the anvil cap and villager rebalance seem to be leaning towards making it even more annoying and difficult without actually addressing the underlying issues. If you do use this idea, I highly doubt you'll use the whole thing, so feel free to take the parts you like and leave the parts you don't! If you have any questions, feedback, or just want to say hi, you can contact me on my neocities profile at www.neocities.org/site/aurora-spirit. Have a wonderful day, night, or extraterrestrial unit of time, and may there be no monsters nearby your bed.

Note: Just learned that external links aren't allowed in minecraft feedback posts! I'm mad! My post makes me sound like a raving lunatic, because it's impossible for me to describe my ideas in 1500 characters without abstracting away so much detail that I sound like I'm asking for something I don't even understand. I understand the security concerns, and mojang has every right to keep their website clean of potentially dangerous links, but that doesn't mean I'm happy that I spent several hours writing this post only to discover that I'm not allowed to link it to my feedback. If you are a mojang employee, it's a miracle you found this place.