Hey! Unlike my LAST minecraft post, this one is not discussing the state of the game, or the drama, or the politics, but is discussing the actual game itself and cool stuff I did and cool stuff you can do! Check back every now and then, maybe there's an update?
Here's the exterior of a cool base I made! Now, usually, I think its a little cheaty to use shaders to show off a build, since shaders can hard carry a poorly made build to popularity. However, this base looks pretty dang good WITHOUT the shaders, too!
This base is built nestled in a neat jungle volcano, over 3 thousand blocks from spawn. It's so high up that the deep dark biome directly below it is generating in the regular stone layer! (deep dark generates based on distance down from surface)
The base has an open roof to allow the sun and moon to be seen from inside, which I thought was a nice touch. Also, the base is full of secrets and surprises! Did you know there's 3 secrets in the room pictured above alone?
The video above features a concealed maxed out enchanting table! (yes, i did somehow manage to fit in 15 bookshelves despite the fact that it looks like there's only 8) I wanted to incorporate lots of hidden neat little contraptions and secret rooms and chests everywhere, to make this place be half base, half ancient temple to explore!
(if you're curious about my UI- that's an ori-themed texture pack I made for myself. I currently have no plans to make a public download, as I would need to polish it up more than i feel willing to)