My Fursona: Trysta

Here's my lore post about my fursona, Trysta! She's a slime who identifies as a spirit (and usually takes the form of one, due to something I will explain later). She was originally a dragon, and sometimes still takes the form of one. I keep around "Past Trysta" (the dragon) for the purposes of certain RP's and the like. She is 23 years old and transgender.


Trysta is made of about 100 kilograms of "Static soul gel", a slime-like material that can store someone's soul after they die, and reacts to electrical currents to change properties such as shape, color, hardness, texture, and many other things. Most of this she keeps inside of a pressurized container when it's not being part of her body. Her soul and consciousness is distributed evenly across the gel and can communicate with other parts instantaneously at any range unless inhibited by some sort of magical anti-soul field or material.

She generally takes the form of a small spirit, about 0.7 meters tall and weighing about 10 kilograms (the other 90 are in the pressurized container). This form is quite similar to that of Ori from Ori and the Blind Forest (a game series that she, like myself, is obsessed with). However, there are some notable differences. Rather than hooves, she has paws similar to the ones she's used to walking on as a dragon. Also, the tips of her ears and antennae are colored purple. Her pupils are pink with a rainbow border rather than pure white. She still gives off a faint glow (yes the gel can do this!).

Her eyes are robotic, and cannot change shape like the rest of her. They are mostly a white color designed to look somewhat like a normal eyeball, with a light magenta pupil and a rainbow iris that spins as she zooms her eyes in and out (Wow! My website title bar rainbow thing is colored the same way as her eyes! Cool!). The pupil and iris are visible in the dark, as they give off a very faint light. She can see without her eyes, but her vision without them is absolutely terrible (like, legally blind levels of terrible, to the point she can only make out vague shapes).


Breath Weapon: Originally, as a dragon, she had the ability to fire pressurized blasts of air strong enough to damage brick walls and kill people. After her death, she can no longer do this.

Draconic Blood: Also back when she was a dragon, she was more resistant to extreme temperatures because of being a dragon. As a slime, she is now VERY resistant to cold, able to freeze solid without dying. However, fire is now extremely dangerous to her, since she cannot regenerate parts of her body, and any amount of destroyed slime splits part of her soul off, passing it to the afterlife early, which will eventually have enough strength to tear the rest of her soul out of her body once enough gel is destroyed.

Modified Luck: As a hatchling, Trysta recieved a blessing making her basically guaranteed to find something useful to her in a life-threatening situation. If she's about to get into a fight, she'll often happen across a weapon laying around somewhere.

Shapeshifting: After her death and revival as a slime, Trysta can now change her shape. To do this, she needs to use a device that she keeps floating inside her at all times. This device outputs a complicated electrical signal that causes the gel she's made of to take on the properties of her body. If she has several hours to spare, she can program the device to output a new form. She can save multiple forms to the device, and can use her gel inside herself to press buttons on the device to change between these any time. However, she's not clairvoyant, so if she doesn't prepare a form she needs ahead of time, she's out of luck. Additionally, if the device is damaged, destroyed, or removed, she will melt into a blob of semi-translucent slime. Also because of this, if she is electrocuted, she explodes, splattering her gel everywhere. Her slimy nature makes most physical damage merely an inconvenience. Forms she has created include:
-Her original dragon form (came with the device, programmed by the person who brought her back.)
-Dragon form but rubbery
-Dragon form but metallic
-Dragon form but a pooltoy
-Dragon form but a onesie
-Gigantic feral dragon form
-Spirit form
-Spirit form but rubber
-Spirit form but metallic
-Spirit form but pooltoy
-Spirit form but a onesie (significantly different from the other spirit forms, designed to fit her boyfriend Alex's general bat form (my boyfriend's fursona).
-Alex (as mentioned above) (she literally just turned herself into a 1-1 copy of her boyfriend its really funny)
-Spirit but with a swiss army knife as her left paw

Magic: Trysta is an experienced spellcaster. She knows many basic spells such as magic missile, fire, and some basic healing. However, she has mastered a few circle-themed spells which are listed below:
Rotational Telekenisis: Trysta creates an ethereal circle shape with herself and an object each either on the edges or in the center. She can then rotate the circle, moving herself and the object along with it. She can use this to deflect projectiles, move objects, propel herself, or multiple at once.
Circle of Deflection: Trysta creates a circular magic field. Objects (including people) that collide with this field bounce off with twice as much force. This field can only absorb so much force before it shatters, leaving behind hovering, extremely sharp shards that last a few seconds before dissipating.
Orbital Slash: Trysta creates a close-range blade of magic that can cut through weaker metal. The start and end lag is kinda terrible tho lol and its range is very short so its easy to avoid unless she is holding you (she can only use one concentration spell at a time, so she can't hold you with magic while doing this).


Trysta is literally me lmao. But slightly tweaked. I'll try my best to essentially describe my alt-universe self.

Trysta has my ADHDtism, with all the problems that causes. She is entirely unmedicated, and does her best anyway.

She's a massive nerd, and loves video games and science and math. For her I swapped my irl interest in math and computer science, so she's super interested in math and somewhat in computer science.

She hates large crowds, as being trapped in a crowd gives her large amounts of anxiety.

She's wary of trying new foods and prefers to stick to stuff she knows.

After her death, she's been enjoying trying out being made of different materials. It helped scratch an itch she didn't know she had. She also used her new slime body to change into a spirit form most of the time, which is much more species euphoric for her

She's an artist and loves creating things, even if she isn't particularly good at a specific medium


Trysta was born male in a small town. Her parents had her blessed by a local witch doctor, which later in life would give her the ability to find things she needed during dire circumstances. At some point during her childhood, her town was attacked by strange otherworldly creatures. Nearly everyone made it out of the town safely, but lots of people lost their homes. A few years later, one day she tripped and got her eye poked out by a rock. Because it was the same price as just one, she and her parents decided to get both her eyes replaced with robotic ones. She eventually went to college at Alliston School of Magical Arts, where she studied math with a minor in defensive spellcasting. Early on during college, she realized she was trans, and managed to start medically transitioning. Merely 6 months before graduation, she was hit by a pickup truck with a distracted driver, and killed instantly. However, conveniently, a different student, for their capstone project in alchemy, had been working on a variant of "static gel" that could contain someone's soul. After a necromancer communed with her and got the ok, they gathered her body, put it in a giant blender with all the other ingredients necessary, and she became the first person to be made undead using this student's new invention, static soul gel. The alchemy student sold this technology for millions afterward. After being handed an instruction manual to operate the static gel device, going through a few checkups, and finishing her degree, Trysta moved on from college and met her boyfriend, Alex, a sentient pile of shapeshifting space goop.